Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tell Legislators Why You Depend on AM Radio  Text AM to 52886 and ask Congress to bring this bill to the floor for a vote now. AM radio is too important to let this moment pass us by.

There’s an issue cutting through the partisanship in Congress. It’s AM radio. The overwhelming majority of legislators – Democrats and Republicans – support a bill to keep AM radio in cars. But time is running out. Text AM to 52886 and ask Congress to bring this bill to the floor for a vote now. AM radio is too important to let this moment pass us by.

Hay un problema que atraviesa el partidismo en el Congreso, y es la radio AM. La inmensa mayoría de los legisladores, demócratas y republicanos, apoyan una ley para mantener la radio AM en los automóviles. Envíe un mensaje de texto con AM al 52886 y pida al Congreso que someta a votación esta ley. La radio AM es demasiado importante como para dejar pasar este momento.

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